PERFORMANCE ART COOK GECKO COOK Performer/producer Gecko actually cooks food ...
| 16 Feb 2015 | 04:56
Performer/producer Gecko actually cooks food for audience & unearths family secrets (recipes or otherwise), which?considering that she is an Italian from Texas?should be at least as palatable as any other avant-garde work being done in the LES.; Collective Unconscious, 145 Ludlow St. (betw. Stanton & Rivington Sts.), 212-254-5277, res. req.; Sun. at 7, $10.
One-woman's deft multimedia performance about living in NYC; Here, 145 6th Ave. (betw. Spring & Dominick Sts.), 212-647-0202 or; Weds. at 7, $12 [through 6/28].
British percussion performance troupe; Orpheum Theater, 126 2nd Ave. (betw. 7th & 8th Sts.), 212-477-2477; Weds.-Fri. & Tues. at 8, Sat. at 7 & 10:30, Sun. at 7, mat. Sun. at 3, $24.50-$49.50.