Prepare Your Pets for Natural Disasters

With summer comes hurricane season; make sure your beloved animals have an emergency plan, too
New York With hurricane season starting, doctors are reminding families to keep their pets in mind when making household emergency plans for disasters.
"Having an emergency plan for every member of your family, including your pets, is vital before a disaster strikes," said Dr. Jennifer Welser, chief medical officer of BluePearl Veterinary Partners. "Talk with your family veterinarian to create an emergency plan specific to your pet's needs."
During Hurricane Katrina, it is estimated more than 250,000 pets were separated from their families. That's one reason out of many to speak with your veterinarian about micro-chipping your pet. Micro-chipping helps ensure a pet can be quickly identified and reunited with his or her family in such situations.
Besides the destruction left in their paths, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters like earthquakes can cause lengthy power outages and water shortages. Since veterinarians may also be forced to evacuate, pet parents should make sure to have on hand at least a two-week supply of pet's medications, food and drinkable water.
During a disaster, BluePearl Veterinary Partners specialty and emergency 24-hour hospitals remain open unless required to evacuate.
Here are some additional tips for keeping your pets safe:
Create an emergency kit for your pet before a disaster
Keep documentation of your pet's vaccination history in the emergency kit.
Have a current photograph of your pet in the kit.
Monitor your pets' behavior, because animals can become defensive or aggressive due to the stress of the situation.
After a Disaster
Walk pets on leashes until they become re-oriented to the area. Familiar scents and landmarks may be altered and pets could easily be confused and become lost. Also, downed power lines, debris, snakes and other critters brought in with high water can all pose a threat for animals after a disaster.
If your pet is lost during a disaster, contact your local animal control office to find out where lost animals are being housed. Bring along the picture of your pet and information about the microchip.